Today is Pi Day.

Pretty much one of the most important days of the year. Really, this world runs on math and physics. It’s about time more of us celebrated math.

We celebrated Pi Day in my eighth grade math class once. Everybody brought in something round to eat and we measured either the diameter or circumference of everything brought in and calculated what we didn’t measure (either the diameter or the circumference) using pi. Probably my favorite day in math class. Ever.

I am sure that most of my eight grade classmates haven’t thought of Pi Day since.

I’ve been celebrating Pi Day with my family since I was twelve or thirteen (long before Miss Eighth Grade Math Teacher came along; okay, not that long before, but I felt wise for knowing what Pi Day was before she explained it to the class). Our Pi Day celebrations seem to get more and more fantastic every year. The last couple years in particular have been Pi Days worth remembering: at least half a dozen different kinds of pie, usually closer to a dozen, with either pizza or chicken pot pie for dinner and oodles or family and friends to help us eat it all.

This year, I’m not even sure we’ll be eating pie for Pi Day. I’m certainly not making any pie tonight. I’m booked from the time I get home from work until after 8:00. Ma, the other serious pie maker, is getting over an illness and probably not up to making hordes of pie, or even one pie. The Little Brother occasionally dabbles in pie making (his crusts are fantastic), but he’s rather busy with the end of the semester coming up. As far as I know, not a single person has been invited to partake of pie with us.

So I celebrated Pi Day in my own way this year. I purchased a tiny, single serving, round vegetable tray and ate up all the vegetables. I was going for eating 314% of my veggie tray, but I was short about 214%. Maybe I’ll be more up to eating 314% next year, eh?

I think a miniature, single serving vegetable tray is a perfect replacement for eating pie. After all, I managed to eat all my vegetables. I have yet to eat an entire pie.


One response to “”

  1. You have yet to eat an entire pie? And you call yourself a Pi day celebrator. Ha!

    I think that your alternative plans are way better than anything Pi day could provide.