I heart sprinkles.
As in I think anything is better with sprinkles. The flavor of a cake donut and its frosting doesn’t matter much just as long as it comes with sprinkles on top. I would rather have a cupcake decorated simply with sprinkles than with a piece of fruit, chocolate pendants, or fondant whatever-it-is-you-think-is-cute. If you have less than a bucket of sprinkles tucked in your pantry, you are sorely in need of a sprinkles shopping trip.
I also firmly believe that sprinkles, whether purchasing, using, or consuming, can make any day a little brighter. Really. Their power is uncanny.
I hope very much to never own a goat (you all know how I feel about pets), but if I do, the goat will be named Sprinkles. No rock.
Another love of mine is funfetti cake—fluffy deliciousness sprinkled with bits of happiness.
Imagine my delight when I came across this. Homemade funfetti cake using jimmies (the best kind of sprinkles in my opinion). I currently have a bottle of gorgeous, metallic jimmies and I can’t think of a better use for them than turning them into an amazingly delicious, funfetti cake.
Love + love = Triple love
(I know the math doesn’t seem to add up, but trust me on this one.)
Moving on to something completely unrelated to homemade, fluffy deliciousness sprinkled with metallic bits of happiness (which is quite tragic; everything ought to be related to fluffy deliciousness or metallic bits of happiness, don’t you think?), I have typed the word responsibilities nearly three dozen times in the last couple of days. Does that mean I’m using it too much? Why yes, it does. But that’s not important. Responsibilities, you will notice, has four i’s at the end with only a single letter between each i. I know this and yet I can’t help missing that last, blasted i each time I type it. You’d think after three dozen times I would be able to get it right.
One response to “”
I'm a sprinkle lover as well. Nate always jokes that if a 3-year-old would love it, I would too.