I know, I know, I’m supposed to be studying. Or sleeping. That would be nice.

I walked past the family room on my way to refill my study cup with ice and water. My brother and sister-in-law were watching The Colony.

I need to get me some after-apocalypse skills cause I’m pretty sure I would be useless.

“Yes, I realize the world is ending and your university was obliterated when the super volcano we like to call Yellowstone blew up, but if you let me edit your paper it will be your best paper ever! I’ll just put the end of this stick in our survival fire to make some charcoal so I can get down to business!”



2 responses to “”

  1. LOL
    Megan, you are too funny. I'd love to hear your after-apocalypse-skills plan sometime…if you ever come up with one.

  2. LOL
    Megan, you are too funny. I'd love to hear your after-apocalypse-skills plan sometime…if you ever come up with one.