5k Summer

It’s official. I’m signed up for a 5k. According to this article from Salt Lake Running Co., signing up for a 5k is one of the six important steps to start you down the path (a running path I am sure) to loving running.

I’ll be running my first 5k on May 5. Dear friend Camilla signed up for it first. Her excitement made me temporarily forget how much I dislike running and I signed up, too. I’m happy to say that I’ve conned nearly half of my family into doing it with me. My sisters agreed under one condition: we take it slow.

Signing up for a 5k is apparently highly addictive. I haven’t even run the thing yet and I’ve already decided this is going to be a summer of running. I plan to run at least one 5k each month from May to September.

Not wanting to overdo the running before I have a chance to fall out of dislike with it, I’ve conned the Little Brother into strength training with me on my between running days. (Apparently conning people into things is one of my talents. I have many friends willing to attest to this.) Yesterday was our first day and I’m happy to say I feel just fine. I only get into trouble when I try to use my legs; my thigh muscles either seize up or threaten to dump me on the floor. I haven’t been sore like this in years. It feels pretty good in a ‘holy moly, what did I do to myself?’ kind of way.

And this is just the beginning.

To a summer of soreness and 5ks!

PS If any of you lovelies would like to join me for some race running (supporting good causes, race shirts, and official times!), I would love to have some company. Just remember the condition. We take it slow.

PPS I made this Blackberry Cobbler from Pioneer Woman today on my lunch break. This stuff is dangerous. Deliciously so.


2 responses to “5k Summer”

  1. You made the cobbler! I'm so glad. And hooray for taking it slow (as if there were any other speed). We will be epically awesome in May and then you'll continue that forward each month as you run again and again and again. Good luck with your running plans!!

  2. I like how you said "I'm happy to say I feel just fine. I only get into trouble when I try to use my legs." As if using your legs is a relatively rare occurrence, or one which can easily be dismissed. Also I like how your blog is titled "Raspberry Mousse" and you made "Blackberry Cobbler." Seems symmetrical and appropriate.