The Ma picked this up for me off the bargain shelf at Barnes & Noble. I love the Barnes & Noble bargain shelves. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted browsing the bargain books at Barnes & Noble.
The Ma brought this home for me, proudly showing off the bargain sticker. She was so excited. It’s pretty elementary and there’s not a lot of content (maybe a couple of hours worth), but it’s funny to listen to on the way to or from work. And there’s nothing wrong with a little extra French practice. Most of the French studying I do these days involves nothing more than me and a book. It’s good for me to listen to a French speaker now and again. Or, in this case, it’s good for me to listen to a man that’s being haunted by the voice of his former French professor who goads him into asking a cute French girl on a lunch date. This French professor also has the power to change the weather and make the man’s car not work so he has to take the train (en train!).