Saga of the Wilty Plant

Me: Kelly! Will you water my plant? I just run him under water til it comes out the bottom.

Kelly: I was going to water all the plants and my hunky russian said that he already did so I was like cool. But then the next day I saw yours and it was all wilty and sad and I was like OH NO!!! And my hunky russian was like oh I didn’t see that one cuz it was on the counter so I watered it a couple days ago and now look at him! So happy! << picture of happy plant >>

Kelly Belly is pretty much the best saga teller you’ll ever meet. The suspense, the drama, the real emotions, all wrapped up in a four-line saga.


One response to “Saga of the Wilty Plant”

  1. HAHA love this 🙂 And glad your plant didn't die!