I have a plan. It’s my France plan.
I’m going to live in France. Don’t know when (in the next couple of years I hope) or for how long (probably just a few months), but it is going to happen.
In preparation for my France plan I’m taking a French class.
This is not my first encounter with French lessons. My long and rather windy path to French began when I signed up for and then dropped French in ninth grade. I signed up for and actually took French the next year and then the year after that. I learned nothing (except the word for cheese). I took another two years as an undergrad, starting from the very beginning. I learned only a little more.
French is my brick wall. School was easy. Math, Science, History. All of it was easy peasy. But French, French was hard.
I don’t know when it was I decided that I would be fluent in French, but somewhere between flashcards, and vocab lists, and solid B work, I realized that I would never give up on French.
Yesterday was the first session of my Beginning French 2 class. I should probably be in the intermediate class (yay!), but I’m sticking with beginning 2. It’s an accelerated class that will only last a month and I feel good about shoring up my French foundation.
In no time at all I’ll speaking French with the best of them. And by that I mean to say this time I’m seeing it through to the end. I will study French diligently (mostly) until I am fluent, which may very well mean I am studying diligently (mostly) for the rest of forever.
Le chemin est difficile mais je peux vaincre.
Don’t worry, I’m not sure what it means either.