I made a quick trip out to the mailbox (in my socks! I hate going outside with just my socks on). There were four things just for me. I never have four things, let alone four awesome (and unexpected) things.
Thing 1: Amex wants me to start a savings account with them. Okay, this one wasn’t awesome. It was definitely junk mail, but the letter was well designed (me = nerdy).
Thing 2: Two free tickets to the women’s expo. Never been but I’ve always found it intriguing. The free tickets might make checking it out worth it this weekend, despite not being able to take advantage of it due to my already overloaded weekend agenda.
Thing 3: A special publication from Runner’s World, just because. Pretty sure that qualifies me as a real runner.
Thing 4: The super awesome cookie cutter that I ordered for Kelly’s bridal shower. I was kind of worried it wasn’t going to get here on time. I’m ecstatic that it got here early, but mostly I’m just ecstatic about it. I wasn’t lying when I said it was super awesome.