Author: Meg

  • An Aunt Megan Blanket for T Dawg

    This is my nephew T Dawg. Oh, and that’s my sister. My sister has four kids. I accidentally started the tradition of giving them all Aunt Megan blankets. I was practicing my double crochet and changing colors and I ended up with two blankets. I didn’t want them so I sent them to G Man…

  • Utah Shakespeare in the Park: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

    I made it! I went to see Utah Shakespeare in the Park perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It was so much fun. I’m glad I made time for it. Lindsay B., one of my brave companions from last time, came along. M.C. was going to come, but was too sick to make it. We did…

  • The Donner Party in Trains

    I’ve had the Donner Party on my mind as of late, after driving up to the pass and viewing the lake, seeing the memorial bridge. It’s a tragic story. However, remembering the Donner Party always makes me laugh a bit at myself. When I was a child I suffered from a humorous misunderstanding. We learned…

  • My Best Cos

    I recently went to visit my best cos, Steph, in California. It was a super quick trip. Ma and I rolled out of bed round about 3:30 am and were on the road by 4:15. That’s my favorite way to do quick trips. You feel so super awesome when its finally 9:00 in the morning…

  • A Book Lady

    The other day I went to Barnes and Noble. I haven’t set foot in a bookstore in I don’t know how long. Part of trying to be fiscally responsible. Books are definitely wants, not needs, and fall under extraneous purchasing. Particularly since I have an awesome library within biking distance. I was given an amex…

  • Christmas in May

    I placed my first online order for fabric. I was very, very nervous. I wanted to see my fabric, feel it, look at the colors all lined up. Physical stores didn’t have the fabric I was looking for. Really, I had no other choice. The online fabric store has a 30-day return policy, and will…

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream

    This is happening.I’ve been looking forward to Shakespeare in the Park for nearly a year and it’s finally here! Remember when I went to Othello last year? It was awesome. They do a fantastic job and the plays are accessible to anyone. I did a lengthy group report on A Midsummer Night’s Dream in college…

  • This Time Tomorrow

    I thought I burned out the treadmill last night. It sort of flickered like the last dying breath of machinery and then died. The belt slowed to a stop and I panicked. Ah! I killed the treadmill! Somehow, the small thunderstorm that gave a friendly rumble now and then was powerful enough somewhere else to…

  • A Different Place

    I received a job offer Friday morning. It was a temporary, part-time job that didn’t pay very well, but it came with a studio apartment in a suburb of Paris, a fifteen minute train ride from the heart of the city. My time would have been split between working and taking French classes in the…

  • The Good, Early Morning

    This morning, I woke up to my alarm. It’s been months and months since I’ve used an alarm for anything other than special occasions. I’ve been relishing sleeping as long as my body thinks it needs to. Even without an alarm, I was always awake before 8:00 am and usually before 7:00 am. It’s been…