Category: Thoughts

  • MLT

    Last night we made dinner. At home. It was amazing. We had to buy some basic cooking utensils and a frying pan as our cabinets are not quite usable yet and everything is still packed away. We used plump garden tomatoes and high quality bacon and put together some stellar BLTs. We also used one…

  • Order and Chaos

    At times I feel my life is devolving into chaos. Other times I feel I am only a few steps away from perfect order. My life never falls completely to pieces nor is it ever perfectly orderly. I find it humorous, in a grim sort of way, that part of me strives for order and…

  • Live Brilliantly

    July was official breakdown month of 2013. Literally, the whole month I was cranky, crabby, headachey, and pretty much unable to deal with my life. The first weekend in August I took off to spend some time with my besties from public school. It was a perfect weekend. We did nothing but hang out, watch…

  • Reasons to Live with Your Parents #62

    You can enlist the help of your pa when a wasp attempts to shower with you. PS I definitely did not have a hard time closing my eyes and putting my head under the water because of visions of the shower curtain exploding into a thousand angry wasps coordinating their efforts to avenge their fallen…

  • Investments

    I’ve been working on becoming more fiscally responsible. Yawn. But not really. I kind of love being able to read the finance section of the newspaper and understand what it’s talking about. More than that, I love feeling good about the financial decisions I’m making in my life. The crazy thing about learning about any…

  • I Should

    Recently, I’ve been paying attention to when people say I should. Noticing it in other people has led me to realize how often I say it myself. At least a few times every day I use that phrase, whether I’m talking to other people or to myself. “I should empty the dishwasher,” “I should go for…

  • Home Again Home Again

    I returned home late last night after two weeks of adventuring. I’m tired and head achy and so ready to be home. I could languish in my bed for a week straight and not be done with it, I think. At this point, languishing in bed is probably the best option. I’ve exhausted my small wardrobe, even…