Cinnamon Apple Crepes


This was going to be a fabulous post on the cinnamon apple crepes I made for breakfast the other day, with delicious cinnamony apples baked to the perfect doneness and vanilla cream cheese filling and the caramel syrup I made to go over the filled brown sugar crepes. It was gonna be good. Probably you would have laughed at the witty commentary, cried at the sad story of the girl in love with food who doesn’t like traditional breakfast foods, and left with a new sense of self and a better perspective on life.

I was typing out the recipe for the brown sugar crepes, the last thing I had to do before it was finished.

And then . . . it disappeared.

The end.


One response to “Cinnamon Apple Crepes”

  1. OH NO!!!! I'm sad just thinking about all the delicious food and wit I missed out on 🙁 This has happened to me before as well. It's usually why on longer posts I type them up in a word doc first and then cut and paste. Still stink though 🙁