Expanding My Cute Horizons

There is an art to creating outfits. I don’t create outfits, artfully or otherwise.

For me, getting dressed in the morning is a simple matter of problem solving. There are pieces of me that need to be covered; I have pieces of clothing to cover me. Most of my clothes are either tops or bottoms. I tend to think of myself in the same way.

To get dressed, I stand in front of my closet (where both my tops and bottoms reside) and pick different pieces of clothing that fill my need to be clothed. I don’t have “outfits.” I don’t always wear the same piece of clothing with the same other piece of clothing. Instead, I see a need for a particular piece of clothing (e.g., I need something on top) and pick a piece of clothing that fulfills that need (e.g., here’s a shirt).
Mostly this works fine. Occasionally I put myself together in the perfect way. Other times, it doesn’t work well at all.

Today was one of those days, one of the days when it didn’t work out so well. I left the house knowing what I put together probably didn’t belong together. You know, one of those days when a peek in the mirror results in you saying to yourself, “Oh, honey, today is just not your day.”

It happens. Particularly when you don’t plan outfits but problem solve needing clothes in various places. Obviously, I’m not bothered by it enough to learn the art of putting together outfits (an art the Little Sister excels at and which she tries quite often to teach to me).

The feeling of non-cuteness that left the house with me was helped along by my bare legs. Today is the first day in months that I haven’t worn boots with my skirt. The lower half of my legs are fully exposed. Full lower leg exposure is always awkward for me the first few times of the new warm season.

Today I was wrong about my non-cuteness. I came into work and people couldn’t get over how cute I was. Who knew? I sure didn’t. And that’s maybe the best part of not putting together outfits. I wear things in previously unknown and unappreciated adorable ways.


One response to “Expanding My Cute Horizons”

  1. This makes me really sad I'm not in the office to see your outfit. Per our conversation last night, I think this is a post that could've benefited from a photo. Completely joking. 🙂