It’s eight days into the new year. It may be that you find yourself in one of these categories:
- Eight days into your resolutions and totally on fire
- Eight days behind on your resolutions but determined to do better
- Eight days in and already to the maybe-next-years
In years past I was nearly always in the first category, occasionally in the second category, but almost never in the third category (that didn’t come until at least a few months in). This year I’m in a completely new, slightly disconcerting category:
- Resolutions? Eh, who needs ‘em?
Okay, I lied. It isn’t disconcerting. Which I think may be what is disconcerting about it. Where are my categories? Where are my lists and charts and deadlines and check points?
Past selves would feel lost. Present self? Not even close.
You should know that I support you. I will cheer for you when you blow one of your resolutions out of the water and commiserate with you when you haven’t gotten quite as far as you wanted to be.
But don’t expect me to get in on the action. I resolve nothing but to have no resolutions.
I will not strive to do things I have never done before but always wanted to.
I will not write down goals I feel I should have but don’t actually want to do.
I will not feel pangs of guilt for forgotten or thrown-aside resolutions.
This year I am nothing but me. There are no resolutions riding on this back. I’m living this year to the fullest reveling in who I am now, just as I am. Dirty and messy and not as healthy or as service oriented or as crafty or as social or as smiley or as organized or as [fill in endless blanks here] as I should be. And I’m going to enjoy every stinkin’ moment of it.
Maybe I do have a resolution after all.
I resolve to take all this year has to offer me and revel in the joy that comes simply by living each moment.
And you better believe I’ve got this.