Kelly-belly has recently acquired a Russian. Judging by the ring on her finger and the dress hanging in her closet, I think he’s going to stick around for a while.
I’m all in support. They are good for each other. And there’s no question Kelly-belly is ready. I told her so myself just the other day. It went something like this.
Kelly-belly: The tip of my nose is dry from rubbing against my Russian’s scruff. I have been putting lotion on just the tip of my nose all day. I look like a crazy person
Pants: You are a crazy person
Kelly-belly: It is a good thing I look it so people know what they are getting themselves into
Pants: So true. Otherwise they might think you are a cute, normal, happy person when really you’re just crazy
Kelly-belly: This is a wonderful development. Good thing I have my Russian to dry out my nose
Pants: You ought to let him know that you’ve discovered why he is useful to you
Kelly-belly: That is a good idea! Men have very few useful moments in their lives, we gotta make sure to recognize the times when it happens
Pants: Precisely. You are totally ready for this marriage thing